Our Commitment to Safety
At Bollinger Construction, a leader in wood framing and turnkey solutions for the multi-family, commercial, and residential industry, we believe a zero accident worksite requires 100% commitment to safety. That’s why every member of our team, from subcontractors to office staff, receives a thorough safety orientation, which is revisited continuously. Our company-wide belief is that safety compliance is a team effort, and we strictly enforce every applicable safety regulation as detailed in our safety manual. In an industry notorious for safety violations, this sets Bollinger apart.
Believe quality and safety are everyone’s responsibilities
Work to promote and maintain a safe working environment on every job site
Pledge to use only approved materials and construction procedures
Regularly inspect and only use materials and equipment in good condition
Assess each team member’s capability to perform assigned tasks correctly
Ensure each job we do meets government regulatory and code requirements, builder requirements and contract specifications
Ensure the work we perform rises to our exacting quality standards and specifications
Regularly inspect work sites and job performance and accurately record our findings
Immediately correct any safety, quality or procedural non-conformances